Environmentally friendly

The Hotel Montfort is a responsible company that cares about the environment. Several actions have already been taken and we are proud of what we have implemented so far.

We are taking concrete action for the environment, such as offering charging stations to our customers who have an electric vehicle and lighting our main building with a solar panel with a lighting system that is 60% solar. Among our sustainable practices, let us mention our policy of local purchases and regional products. As a good corporate citizen, we have the reflex to always favor local purchases, to encourage and support our community.

Here are other sustainable practices that we have put in place:

  • Soap dispensers in all bedrooms and common areas;
  • Display inviting the reuse of towels in all the bathrooms in our rooms, thus helping to reduce the number of towels to be washed;
  • Display installed at the exit of each room inviting customers to turn off the lights before leaving;
  • Toilet paper and facial tissues made from recycled paper;
  • Recycling bins in all rooms and common areas;
  • Biodegradable cleaning poducts;
  • Sending invoices by email;
  • LED lights in all bedrooms;
  • Reuse of room keys (smart cards): a key recovery rate of 80% unlike the standard magnetic card recovery rate which is 40 to 50%;
  • Installation of low-flow devices such as faucets, shower heads, toilets, etc.;
  • Collecting our ink cartridges.

At the Hotel Montfort, the green shift continues and we are constantly improving our ecological footprint by implementing new practices.